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I read a very disturbing article in the paper today.  A recent polled showed that 1/3 of Clinton supporters and 1/4 of Obama supporters said they would vote for McCain if their candidate didn't get the nomination.  Have we learned nothing from Ralph Nader, who essentially gave George W Bush the presidency in 2000?  Are we going to elect another incompetent (in this case almost senile) Republican because we refuse to vote defensively?  Are all of you Democrats, standing on your supposed principles, willing to be responsible for the destruction from four more years of Iraq?  Are you willing to, once again, set back a woman's right to choose, equal rights based on sexual identity, and funding for the programs that benefit the poor and people of color?  Are you going to insure that the working poor have no access to adequate health care?  Are you willing to further the hate that the rest of the world has for Americans?  Are you willing to put up with four more years of tax cuts, corporate greed, and an economy based on the almighty barrel of oil?  Are you willing to cosign the further destruction of our environment?  Well, are you?

Why are people so self centered?  Oh, they will say they are standing on principle, but the bottom line is that they didn't get picked for the team so they are leaving and taking their ball.  It's another example of the rampant competition in our society. I say to all those Democrats who didn't get their first choice; ANYONE is better that four more years of Republican corruption and greed. 

Get over yourself!




Posted on Friday, April 11, 2008 at 09:00AM by Registered CommenterKim Adams | CommentsPost a Comment

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